Although I have not had cancer myself, I do feel it has impacted my life through the people I know who have had cancer. What is cancer?
An average of 14.5 million people alive in the US have been diagnosed with cancer ( That's only in the US. The number of cancer …show more content…
Cancer is caused by the “loss of normal growth control.” Normally, your cells divide in an orderly fashion, replacing the cells that have been damaged or grown old, this system is called apoptosis. Cancer is a mutation in the cell division, when DNA is damaged, the mutations are more susceptible. When the mutations accumulate, normal cells can be turned into precancerous cells. Cancer is formed from the collection of these cells. However, cancer is not an event, it does not happen overnight, it can take years to develop. …show more content…
Loss of limbs, loss of eyesight, loss of hearing, loss of breasts, Lung and brain issues, swallowing or speech difficulties, long lasting pain, or even death.
Osteosarcoma is the most common type of cancer that develops in the bone. Though it affects adults, children and teens are more susceptible to it. Osteosarcoma is most commonly found in areas where the bone develops quicker than the rest. Shoulders, bones around the knee, hips, or even jaw. The consequence of developing this cancer, depending on how bad the tumor is, is either a bone-sparing surgery, or removal of the limbs.
Loss or removal of the eye could be the cause of many different types of cancer. Removal of a brain tumor, as well as the rare cancer called retinoblastoma, could cause blindness, or removal of the eye. With modern technology, it is beginning to look like less and less people are going lose their vision due to cancer.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. The most common treatment is reconstructive surgery and chemotherapy. If the cancer has developed so much so that reconstructive surgery is ineffective, breast removal is used. It is not as common now as it was a few years ago, thanks to the new treatment