What is Cancer? 3
Eye Cancer 4
Intraocular Melanoma 4
Symptoms 4
Diagnoses 4
Causes 4
Treatment 5
Patients Story 5
Retinoblastoma 7
Symptoms 7
Diagnoses 7
Causes 7
Treatment 7
Patient Story 7
Preventions 9
Bibliography 10
What is Cancer?
Cancer is a disease that has to do with cells. Cancer begins when these cells begin to grow abnormally and they spread very quickly. Unlike normal cells Cancer cells continue to grow and they do not stop when they are supposed. The cancer cells come together to form tumours. Tumours are cancerous cells that join together. Tumours are very dangerous and can have a negative effect on the body. Some of the cells from the tumour can detach and spread to another part of …show more content…
Faulty Genes- it can be inherited from a parent or it can be formed during mutation very early stages of birth.
Growth of more eye cells- the cells in the retina do not stop growing.
Laser treatment- the child will be put under anaesthetics while the operation is getting done and your child will feel no pain.
Freeze the tumour-the tumour is frozen to help remove it
Patient Story
Sydney a 9 year old girl was diagnosed with retinoblastoma in December 1999 and underwent the freezing of the tumour. She is now cancer free had has visons in both