I. Have you ever wondered why THAT guy always seems to get the girls? The guy thats brash, cocky, and marches to the beat of his own drum. The one that is rude and doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself. Many women dump guys that are gentlemen for the jerk that acts in this manner.Why is it that many sensible and responsible women are attracted to rebels in other words the bad boy?
Tran. Bad boys have been known to leave a trail of broken hearts. However, despite their actions women across the globe and age groups still find it hard to resist the lure of being in a relationship with these serial heartbreakers.
III.Some might ask what defines a bad boy. Bad boys typically are males who live life on their own terms.They come in many variations and degrees. There are seriously bad apples who have regular run-ins with the law, habitually use drugs and get arrested for violent acts. Then there's the milder variety mischief makers who enjoy breaking the rules just because they are there.Other guys adopt a bad boy image because it gives them an identity, acceptance, in their peer group, or attention from people.The reason why guys like this appeal to most women revolves around the bad boys physical appearance, unpredictable adventure and excitement this type of male brings, and the drive the woman has to rehabilitate or save the bad boy.
A.Many people might say physical appearance and image doesn't matter in a relationship but it does play a huge part on why women are attracted to bad boys.
1.The bad boy carry themselves in a particular way that catchesmany women attention. Bad boys exude an arrogant, mach-istic dominance of untamed masculinity. This serves as a type of intoxicating attraction to women who like men who live on the edge. Some sport tattoos, the more the tattoos the better. If muscles accompany those tattoos, watch out! Those type of males are hard to resist to some women. They tend to dress differently, carrying themselvws with an I dont't care what others think of me attitude which appears cool to some women
2.The movies has for decades depicted the “Tarzan" image of rescue and protection. Women tend to associate a type od sexy ruggedness the bad boy image. The Rebels that many women are attracted to give off a very masculine and confident image.
Tran. Its not just physical attributes or an air of cofidence that tilts in their favour it's also the thrill of unpredictable adventure and excitment thay some women find irresistible.
B.The thrill of unprecedented, uncertainty is an added attraction to the adventure of relating to a bad boy.
1.The unpredictable that is associated with a bad boy is much like a roller coaster rides thrill. remember when you embarked on a roller coaster for the first time? Lack of not knowing what to expect adds to the excitement. Bad boys are always testing the boundaries and pushing the envelope
2.Bad boys are always testing the boundaries and pushing the envelope when it comes to their life and some women can't get enough of it. Many women find it intriguing
Tran. some women need thrill and excitement in their lives but some women also go for bad boys also for the need they have to tone down, cure, bring under control these bad boys
C. Women are fixers by nature.
1. The challenge of taming a bad boys roar gives them a sense of victory.Women believe they have the power to reign them in. That means they believe that they have enough power to pull them back and make the bad good.