In "A Good Man is Hard to Find," the story revolves around identifying and defining what a "good man" as the grandmother in the story uses the term loosely on Red Sammy, a restaurant owner, to the Misfit, who is a criminal murderer. …show more content…
The strategy of having Sonny's brother tell the story shows us that his attitude and negative feelings and disapproval of his brother changes as the story progresses. The story starts off with Sonny's brother's finding out that Sonny had been arrested for heroin, and his anger and shame is clearly displayed. When Sonny made the decision to wanting to be a jazz musician, he worked at it seriously and studiously. When he was living with his sister-in-law's family while studying music, for example, they said that the amount of determination he had to jazz music was so heartfelt "it wasn't like living with a person at all, it was like living with sound." However, as the story progresses, at the end of the story that the brother begins to understands and realize something of the massive appeal of jazz music to his brother by when finally the narrator goes to the club where his brother plays to hear him the first time, he sees how his feelings towards his brother had been wrong and was prejudiced as shown by his own feelings when he listens to the type of music his brother plays. While listening to his brother play he goes on to describe his feelings “I seemed to hear with what burning he had made it his, and what burning we had yet to make it ours, how we could cease lamenting. Freedom lurked around us