Specific Purpose: To inform my audience the different types of transcendentalism
Organizational Pattern: Logical pattern
Thesis: There are many different tenets of transcendentalism. 3 major ones are: self-reliant, idealism, and spiritual realm.
I. Attention Grabber: “Into the wild” book required to read in most high schools
II. S-A-T Orientation (Establish Credibility and Relate Yourself to the Audience: I as well as many of my peers hated the book until I did more research on Christopher McCandless.
III. Tell The Audience Your Topic Or Goal: To inform everyone the origin and the different ideas behind transcendentalism.
Transition: What is transcendentalism and where did it come from?
(Main Point and Sub Points) …show more content…
I. Origin of transcendentalism
A. 1820s and 1830s in the Eastern region of the United States as a protest against the general state of culture and society.
B. Transcendentalists believed that society and its institutions—particularly organized religion and political parties—ultimately corrupted the purity of the individual. Transition: Why do people choose this way of life?
II. State of mind
A. A transcendentalist is a person who accepts these ideas not as religious beliefs but as a way of understanding life relationships.
B. –quote from Walden by Henry David Thoreau– Transition: Famous transcendentalists III. A. Chris McCandless B. David Thoreau Transition: In Conclusion
Now that you have a thorough understanding of the tenets, thoughts, and origin of transcendentalism; it is time to apply them to everyday life. Are you ready to join me on an adventure to better understand nature, and free-thinking? As Ralph Waldo Emerson – a scholar from The Transcendental Club says, “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Bibliography "Transcendentalism".The Oxford Companion to American Literature. James D. Hart ed.Oxford University Press, 1995. Oxford Reference Online. Web. 24 Oct.2011
Coviello, Peter. "Transcendentalism" The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Literature. Oxford University Press, 2004. Oxford Reference Online. Web. 23 Oct. 2011
Thoreau, Henry David. Walden. Boston: Ticknor&Fields, 1854.p.279.