With teenagers being exposed to various dangers on the web, it is important teens are aware of the dangers and can consider their risks and consequences, prior to making their choices.Obtaining the knowledge of the pros and cons of a decision, and being able to make an informed decision once the options are analyzed, is a vital skill teens develop. Adolescents must acquire the skill of informed decision making for their future when it comes to life changing choices, such as college. In addition, responsibility is developed as informed decision making is fostered in daily choices on the internet. With parents helicoptering over their children persistently, children become reliant on their parents and are not able to mature in their responsibility. Running wild on the internet, aids in the maturing of responsibility when it comes hand in hand to decision making and following through in the execution of plans and goals. Furthermore, critical thinking is a skill in which teens develop as they are given their liberty online. Along with informed decision making and the maturing of responsibility, critical thinking is developed in the process. Children benefit from the liberty online, by being able to critically thinking about their informed decisions and risks they are exposed to when it comes to making a choice, or simply posting something on social media. If worse comes to worst, teenagers will be able to critically think their about their options when they find themselves in trouble with the skills they have developed along the way of their life as an
With teenagers being exposed to various dangers on the web, it is important teens are aware of the dangers and can consider their risks and consequences, prior to making their choices.Obtaining the knowledge of the pros and cons of a decision, and being able to make an informed decision once the options are analyzed, is a vital skill teens develop. Adolescents must acquire the skill of informed decision making for their future when it comes to life changing choices, such as college. In addition, responsibility is developed as informed decision making is fostered in daily choices on the internet. With parents helicoptering over their children persistently, children become reliant on their parents and are not able to mature in their responsibility. Running wild on the internet, aids in the maturing of responsibility when it comes hand in hand to decision making and following through in the execution of plans and goals. Furthermore, critical thinking is a skill in which teens develop as they are given their liberty online. Along with informed decision making and the maturing of responsibility, critical thinking is developed in the process. Children benefit from the liberty online, by being able to critically thinking about their informed decisions and risks they are exposed to when it comes to making a choice, or simply posting something on social media. If worse comes to worst, teenagers will be able to critically think their about their options when they find themselves in trouble with the skills they have developed along the way of their life as an