I am very fortunate to have parents that do check up on me, and check what I am doing, but to also not be super over me like other parents that can’t even trust their kids. If a parent would ban their kids cell phone their is no way the boy/girl wouldn’t be able to get on social media, and the parent would be doing harm to themselves and having the child get mad at them. The parent should ground them yes, but not in taking their phone away forever. What makes the digital industry safe is when a child and parent communicate and collaborate with each
I am very fortunate to have parents that do check up on me, and check what I am doing, but to also not be super over me like other parents that can’t even trust their kids. If a parent would ban their kids cell phone their is no way the boy/girl wouldn’t be able to get on social media, and the parent would be doing harm to themselves and having the child get mad at them. The parent should ground them yes, but not in taking their phone away forever. What makes the digital industry safe is when a child and parent communicate and collaborate with each