
Summary Of How The Internet Gets Inside Us Gopnik

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Summary Of How The Internet Gets Inside Us Gopnik
In “How the Internet Gets Inside Us” Adam Gopnik claims that “It’s that our technological revolution is the big social revolution that we live with.” The revolution people live in now has changed people's perspectives on the internet changing. Some people are found over it, some hate it, and some do not care what goes on with the internet changing. Gopnik establishes three types of views, the Never-Betters, the Better-Nevers, and the Ever-Wasers. The Never-Betters is someone who is enthusiastic about technology and wants to learn more about what advancement is going to happen regarding technology. The Better-Nevers can be considered someone who dislikes technology, they do not want anything to do with it and wished the start of new technology …show more content…
If technology is changing every day to adapt to people’s lifestyle, it’s impossible to not adapt with technology and be successful at the same time. For example in the aviation industry, parts for aircrafts used to be made by hand from people;but that changed when technology took the job from the people. Now all aircraft parts are being made from robots. As a Ever-Waser one might say they do not care technology is evolving, and whatever happens with technology happens, but how can that be stated if technology is taking the jobs of the people. It’s the job of a human to care for what is changing around them, ultimately, because they need to understand what jobs in the future technology will take. A Ever-Waser needs to be up to date about what technology has achieved for people, so they are not left behind. In addition, a Better-Never wants nothing to do with society, and that’s exactly the problem. How can anyone be apart of a society that is made all by technology.? A Better-Never is a bad approach to be self identified as. For example, applying for jobs that someone thinks requires no skill at all, in fact does, since the internet has advanced. In Pizza Hut, orders can be placed online. It’s the job of an employee to keep track of the orders and prepare them before the customer arrives for pick-up. This tactic was never available one year ago, therefore, …show more content…
Scientist have proven that the internet causes damage to young children. By children turning to the internet for all activities such as games, learning, and pleasure. it’s socially not normal for kids to be on the internet all day. In How the Internet Gets Inside Us Gopnik gives us a statement from Nicholas Carr who is an author about technology and culture. Carr says, “As a technology, a book focuses our attention, isolates us from the myriad distractions that fill our everyday lives. A networked computer does precisely the opposite. It is designed to scatter our attention. . . . Knowing that the depth of our thought is tied directly to the intensity of our attentiveness, it’s hard not to conclude that as we adapt to the intellectual environment of the Net our thinking becomes shallower.” Carr explains since people do rely on the internet so much for answers, the intellectual of one's knowledge is decreasing. I agree with Carr because from my own experience, when I do not understand a question for my homework, I automatically go online and find the answer. I do not go back to my notes or socialize with people from my class about not understanding a question. In addition, a strength of being a Ever-Waser is a person’s opinion toward the internet is open. They are not against the internet changing, nor are they completely okay with all the changes. Ever-Wasers can live a normal life without

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