
John Lorinc's Driven To Distraction

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John Lorinc's Driven To Distraction
John Lorinc’s article, “Driven to Distraction” explores how the human brain functions while surfing the Internet, writing e-mails and texting every day. In what seems to be a life with “interruptions”, Lorinc attempts to explain how “multi-tasking” and having access to an enormous amount of information has made it harder for humans to think and analyze the collected data. However, Don Tapscott’s excerpt from his book, “In Defense of the Future”, denies that technology has affected the human’s brain and asseverates that the “net generation” has remarkably and positively changed and broadened their aptitudes.
Having access to the Internet and electronic devices like cell phones is fairly new in our society. Not long ago BlackBerrys and iPhones
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In fact, studies have shown that students who have access to the Internet, use it in order to improve their grades (411) and tend to be more critical while reading something on the net (410). Furthermore, according to the Google’s CEO, Eric Schmidt, Millennials are “the smartest” (411), more agile and broad-gauged generation (411). How would this not be true? The Internet improves and eases our lives and, as a result, we have adapted to this new way of living and taken advantage of it. A few years ago, for example, we had to visit libraries and read several books in order to retrieve information about a particular topic; nonetheless, nowadays we can access a diverse number of books, articles and encyclopaedias instantaneously and from any place around the world that counts with an Internet connection.
Lorinc states that while technology is a tool that very often makes our life easier, it can be somehow contradictory. Especially when accessing it is supposed to relief our brains from keeping “useless” information to center our attention on what is important, yet we do not get to do so (402). Based on a survey that targeted company’s directors from first-world cities and countries, “stress [and] tension” were a common denominator in all directors, which was mainly caused by excessive information offered all at once

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