Thesis Statement
Injuries in American football, can some of them be prevented? With the increase in injuries in football coaches are looking for better ways to try and prevent unnecessary injuries. Even though you cannot prevent all the injuries as a coach you want to at least prevent some. I. Explaining the content of paper preparing reader to understand the injuries and the importance of trying to prevent these injuries in American football. II. The type of serious injuries that are sustained in American football, can they are prevented or at least reduced? A. Concussions are a very common but serious injury in football. Types of hits or collisions that contribute the concussion. B. Neck injuries and back injuries happen way to often in sport of football. Types of hits or collisions that contribute to neck and back injuries. C. Injuries to legs and arms can be serious depending on the type injury. D. Internal injuries even though not frequent can be very serious to the athlete. III. The type of injuries that are not considered to be serious but can prevent you from playing football for a period of time. A. Pulled muscles are a part of football and there are ways to reduce these types’ injuries. B. Strains and twisted extremities such as ankles and wrists are not always serious but sometimes they can be serious. IV. Interviews with Coach Freddie Whitman, Head Football coach at Rosman High School and Coach Sammy McMahan head trainer for Rosman High School V. Discuss possible preventions and equipment changes that could take place in football that might help prevent some of these injuries. VI. Conclusion
Injuries in American football are increasing yearly, is there something that can be done? With the amount of injuries that are occurring in football it has sent up red flags all over the football community. There are numerous