1.Organization Structure
There are many types of organization structure, for example, hierarchical structure, matrix structure and etc. For different structure, it has different result, management and objective. “Innocent drinks” was a small business in very competitive markets which is fit to entrepreneurial structure. The advantages of this structure are that the core team can make decisions quickly and for the members they can give some ideas to the core team and solve the problem that they are facing. “Innocent drinks” started from entrepreneurial structure and turned to hierarchical structure after few years. The reason of “Innocent drinks” turned into another structure is because they cannot satisfy their needs. They want to make themselves to be more famous and to earn more profit. “Innocent drinks” thinks that hierarchical structure has a good scale that can separate into different departments to achieve specialization. This can let the employees know what spot they are doing and they can exert their abilities. For example, in marketing they can help to promote the product or to think of a new design to attract the customers to buy it. When every department do well in the way they have to, it is easy for “Innocent drinks” to manage and achieve expected target like turnover.