Shirlie Jones
HCS 514
July 22, 2013
Lisa Keener
Organizational Design
The organizational design depends on the objectives and strategy of the organization. In a centralized structure the top layer of management has most of the decision- making power and has tight control over departments and divisions. In a decentralized structure the decision making power is distributed and the departments and divisions may have a different degree of independence (BusinessDictionary, 2013). In an organization there should be a common vision and set of values. Employees should be striving to for fill the organization’s vision (Liebler, 2013). The organization has policies and procedures in place to for fill the organization …show more content…
The organization that I am employed by is the largest retailer on the planet. This organization has a health and wellness division. The health and wellness division is growing. The division consist of Optical, Pharmancy, Hearing Center, and Minute clinics. The health and wellness division promotes good health through a few different programs. There are monthly health events free to the customers. There are screenings for diabetes, blood pressure, vision, hearing, just, to name a few. There is also a living healthy magazine, that has health tips in it The organization is into health care, it has to protect the customer’s personal …show more content…
There are screen filters on our computer montiors, information can only be seen if you are right in front of the computer. Anthing we throw away with the customer’s information on it has to be shreded. These are all HIPAA regulations. My organization follows these regulations to the letter. There are major fines for non- compliance. The organization also has policies that would allow for displinary action up to termination, for non- compliance.
The centralized management design, the human resourse approach, and the polices and procedures put in place, all are important in for filling the organization’s vision. The vision is threefold. Respect for the indivual, strive for excellence, and service to the customer. My organization was built on these three things. Everything that happens in this organization these three things are always