Taking root in the disruption is described as a new company taking entry into the market by introducing a disruptive innovation. This means that the technology lacks refinement, is convenient and low cost, and appeals to a new, small and initially unattractive set of customers. Sustaining technology relies on incremental improvements to an already established technology. What this breaks down to is that a new company entering the market, with a company that is known for its sustainable technology, will fail because they can’t compete. However, a new company that enters the market with disruptive technology will eventually prevail because it can capitalize on a cost-saving or new market opportunity created by low-margins. Sustainable technology will dismiss disruptive technology because it does not compete with current company goals and will eventually be blindsides as the technology matures and threatens marketshare.
Picking the scope necessary to succeed is the second variable in which relates to a new business success based upon “integration.” Highly integrated companies correlate with sustainable technology and nonintegrated associate with disruptive technology. When a company uses highly integrated technology, they sell their own proprietary components and products. Nonintegrated companies outsource as much as possible to suppliers and partners and use modular, open systems and components.