BSBINN601A :Manage Organisational Change
Assessment: Changing Management Plan
Aged Care Industry background
The statistics can be astounding, according with aged care online (2011)If dementia were a country, it would be the world’s 18th largest economy. If dementia was a company it would exceed American giant Wal-Mart’s profits by almost US$200 billion and Exxon Mobil’s profits by almost $US300 billion. The sheer cost and growth of dementia means that according to Alzheimer’s Australia, Australia will face a shortage of 150,000 paid and unpaid carers by 2029.
One of the causes of this is the growing demand for skilled workers to provide care for the elderly, particularly those with dementia. Alzheimer Australia reports that dementia is growing by 1,500 cases per week in Australia and that figure is expected to rise to 7,400 cases a week by 2050 (unless a medical breakthrough or cure is found). Leaders in the aged care industry have also voiced concerns about the growing need for aged care workers. Kathy Forrest, Managing Director and owner of Dutiful Daughters spoke to Australian Ageing Agenda magazine about the challenges the industry faces. ‘I think the challenge arises from the sheer number of people who will require care in the coming years’ (May/June 2010) she said.
By choosing to work in aged care, you will be working in one of Australia’s fastest growing industries and an industry where skilled workers are in demand. As an industry aged care is growing by 3%, compared to the health care and social assistance sector which is growing by 1%. Overall the health care and social assistance sector employs 10.6% of the Australia population, making it the second largest
Domain Principal Group
The Domain Principal Group DPG, ( Australia’s largest privately operated aged care provider, is committed to providing superior levels of residential aged care services to all residents and peace of mind
References: list Index