A Case Study on
“Innovation on Apple”
Course Code : MBA Cohort 22
Lecturer : Mr. D.L.Allen
Student Name : Wong Man Pan
Student ID :
Submission Date : 18 July, 2012
No of words :3,092
Executive summary
This article contains four main sections; in the first section, the characteristics of innovation Company are defined, mainly the ideas which follow Barry, John and Richard, 2011 and the overview of Apple Inc innovation would be evaluated based on the factors found. In the second section, the affecting factors in management (Amabile, 1998 ) and climate (Ekvall, 1996) based on Apple Inc would be discussed. Hence, two innovative companies such as HP and 3M performance would also be brought out . These three companies would be identified according to the three strategies suggested by Barry, John and Richard, 2011. Moreover, four actions framework from Kim and Mauborgne, 2005 would be analyzed with respect to one application from Apple --- “Siri”. Finally, recommendation would be made for future development and challenge especially since the key man [Steve Jobs] passed away in 2011.
2. Content
1. Executive summary 2
2. Content 2
3. Introduction 3
4. Five elements of innovative company – Apple Inc 5
5. Creativity 7
6. Managerial practices and organization climate for creativity 7
7. “Siri” Four Actions Framework 11
8. Conclusion and recommendation 12
9. Reference 14
3. Introduction
Among the enterprises pursue innovation, Apple Inc is recognized as the most successful case. In 2011, Barry, John and Richard, 2011 conducted the survey and concluded that Apple Inc is the most innovative companies worldwide and the Exxon Mobil Corporation has been replaced by Apple as the most valuable company in the U.S by market capitalization. Always there is a misconception for most people, as heavy investment is the fundamental requirement to be the most innovative company. However it was found that Apple spend only