287). However, stigma and discrimination towards patients with positive IV status still remains prevalent in hospital setting and prevents HIV positive patients to receive appropriate services. Nurses’ avoidance of HIV positive patient is relayed to the lack of universal precaution supplies and procedures in the hospital, and the fear of contracting HIV. Health care personnel’ avoidance attitude towards HIV positive patients are highly negatively corresponds with general patients’ satisfaction with service providers in the hospital settings (Li, Comulada, Wu, Ding, & Zhu,
287). However, stigma and discrimination towards patients with positive IV status still remains prevalent in hospital setting and prevents HIV positive patients to receive appropriate services. Nurses’ avoidance of HIV positive patient is relayed to the lack of universal precaution supplies and procedures in the hospital, and the fear of contracting HIV. Health care personnel’ avoidance attitude towards HIV positive patients are highly negatively corresponds with general patients’ satisfaction with service providers in the hospital settings (Li, Comulada, Wu, Ding, & Zhu,