Read and reflect on the following quotes about Canada and Canadian Identity.
“Canada is the only country in the world that knows how to live without an identity.”
~ Marshall McLuhan
“There are two miracles in Canadian history. The first is the survival of French Canada, and the second is the survival of Canada.”
~ Frank R. Scott
“It is more than four centuries since the Aboriginals, francophones, and anglophones began their complex intercourse in this place. We are one of the oldest democracies in the world—152 years without civil war or coup d'état. Look around at our allies. Compare. Each of us, through birth or immigration brings something new to this experience. We add. We change. But for better and for worse, we do not erase . . . We often say that compromise is a Canadian virtue; that compromise has got us through the difficult situation of our complex population, complex internal geography and complex foreign relations.”
~ His Excellency John Ralston Saul, March 23, 2000, Inaugural Speech for the
Lafontaine-Baldwin Symposium
“A Canadian is someone who drinks Brazilian coffee from an English teacup and munches a French pastry while sitting on their Danish furniture having just come home from an Italian movie in their German car. He/She picks up their Japanese pen and writes to their Member of Parliament to complain about the American take-over of the Canadian publishing business.”
(source unknown)
“Canadians are an ambivalent lot: One minute they’re peacekeepers, next minute they punch the hell out of each other on the ice rink.”
~ Ken Wiwa, Globe and Mail, 7 January 2003
“Canadians have long valued their traditions of democracy, freedom and tolerance. The rights and values so important to all Canadians are enshrined in The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The Bill of Rights and provincial human rights codes. Along with these rights come certain responsibilities, such as respecting the rights and