Title: What is Insomnia and how does it affect people?
Name: Delores Rick
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform the audience on what insomnia is and how it affects the people who has it.
Time: 4-5 minutes
I. Introduction
A. How many people in this class have insomnia or trouble sleeping occasionally, raise your hand? B. Those of you who raised your could suffer from insomnia. C. Everyone has it at some time or another in their life. I had it last night. D. The cause of insomnia is from stress, anxiety, or medical issues. E. Things you need to know about insomnia are what it is and its symptoms, what causes it, and how people deal with it.
Transition-The first point is …show more content…
Insomnia affects your sleep and abilities to do things due to sleep deprivation. (according to mayoclinic)
1. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling and/or staying asleep. a. Insomnia is different in both genders. Women with children wake up more easily in the night. Hormonal changes also contribute to insomnia, and lastly menopausal women, because of night sweats and other issues. 2. There are two main types of insomnia. a. The first type is called primary insomnia. i. With this type of insomnia is the person is having sleep problems not directly associated with any other health condition or problem. b. The second type is called secondary insomnia. i. Secondary insomnia means that a person is having sleep problems because of something else, like a health issue or a substance they are taking a. Both insomnias can be short term (acute) or long term lasting (chronic insomnia) it also comes and goes. You could have it one night and not another. Acute-can last a night or a week. Chronic- can last up to several weeks and multiple times a week.
Transition- Now you guys know what insomnia is, I can tell you what the cause of it …show more content…
So after hearing about insomnia, how many people think they have it?
References Seven Facts about Insomnia . (n.d.). Destination The Pacific - Just another WordPress site. Retrieved July 9, 2013, from http://www.destinationthepacific.com/seven-facts-about-insomnia/
A Guide to Overcoming Insomnia - US News and World Report. (n.d.). Health News Articles - US News Health. Retrieved July 9, 2013, from http://health.usnews.com/health-news/health-wellness/articles/2013/04/20/a-guide-to-overcoming-insomnia
GORMAN, J. (n.d.). Can You Die of Insomnia? - NYTimes.com. Experts Answer Questions About Health and Medicine - Consults Blog - NYTimes.com. Retrieved July 9, 2013, from http://consults.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/24/can-you-die-of-insomnia/
Insomnia (Chronic and Acute Insomnia) Causes and Symptoms. (n.d.). WebMD - Better information. Better health.. Retrieved July 9, 2013, from http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/guide/insomnia-symptoms-and-causes
Insomnia - MayoClinic.com. (n.d.). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved July 9, 2013, from