The Transportation Security Administration as of January 14th, 2009 outlined for its organization an Integrated Conflict Management System. Its purpose and scope are clear. The roles of management as well as TSA employees in the system are detailed in its definitions. The responsibility of every party affected or involved is unambiguous in its language. The culture the agency means to foster is evident in the systems policy and core principles. The following is an overview of the Integrated Conflict Management system currently utilized by Transportation Security Administration. I found the mission statement of this document to be one of the most important parts of this ICMS and a reason why it is most likely a highly effective one in practice. To enhance mission performance, TSA is committed to promoting a culture founded on its values of Integrity, Innovation and Team Spirit. (TSA MANAGEMENT DIRECTIVE No. 1100.00-5). By immediately acknowledging the importance of culture in its mission statement the organization demonstrates its understanding of how to build a conflict competent and sustainable organization. A clear culture can become an organization’s brand: a powerful tool in attracting and retaining top talent. (Eisaguirre). In the modern work place culture matters and goes a long way toward its ability to positively resolve and even learn from conflict. The document goes on to lay out the purpose, scope and authorities of the ICMS. These are more administrative in nature however the definitions that follow explain the infrastructure the company felt it needed to put in place in order to become a conflict competent organization. I will highlight those of significance.
B. Alternative Dispute Resolution: A range of informal methods used to resolve an issue or dispute in place of formal adjudication. ADR methods emphasize flexibility,