1.0 Introduction
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Malaysia is a unique country. It is made up of multi-ethnic group who are living in harmony. Conflict among ethnic group is rare and even if conflict occurs, is not to the extent of destroying the country. In fact, it is the diversity that drives the development of the country and makes this country colourful. Malaysia has been recognized by the world as a model for other plural societies. The concept of ‘unity in diversity’ is always insisted by the leaders. The concept is now supported with the ‘1 Malaysia’ concept which is introduced by the current Prime Minister. The Malaysian government is always put efforts to ensure the unity among the people because the unity is very important for national unity. The national unity will ensure the country’s prosperity and the prosperity will create national integration. The unity and integration is the ultimate aim of development. Thus, in this lesson, you will come across the efforts of the Malaysian government towards creating national integration.
2.0 Learning Outcomes
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Identify and discuss the efforts taken by the Malaysian government to ensure stability and unity among the races 2. Discover the challenges faced in creating national integration 3. Identify the approach to overcome the obstacles and challenges
3. List of Topics
2 The Concept of Unity and Integration
1. The Obstacles and Challenges Towards National Integration
2. The Approach and Policy to Overcome the Obstacles and Challenges
4.0 Terminologies
4.1 Prejudice Attitude towards others based on evidences which is not concrete and might be wrong
4.2 Communalism An attitude of favouring one’s own ethnic group
4.3 Ethnocentrism A perception that one’s own culture is superior to that of others
5.0 Topics
5.1 The Concept of Unity and