Research Problem
I. Introduction
Informatics Education Group, founded in 1983, has more than 600 colleges in 52 countries. It is a corporation dedicated to provide quality education to its students. It offers courses in higher education for corporate productivity and Business solutions. Informatics’ commitment to giving quality education encompasses all aspects from course design to student assessment/examination and staff training.
This commitment to excel beyond customers’ expectations by providing quality services to its students has pushed the proponents to create a system that will help the school administration and faculty to produce accurate class cards and transcript of records for its students.
With the increasing number of students in Informatics college manila also increases the workload of the school administration and faculty members. In order to cope with the increase of workload of the school administration and faculty, the proponents are motivated to create a system that will assist the school administration and faculty to minimize the time spent on managing, submitting and producing the grades of each student.
Also, the purpose of the proponents in creating a grading system is to lessen the queue during enrolment with the help of a system that will assist the Informatics College Manila in validating and releasing of class cards.
II. Background of the Study
This study, which is fundamentally aimed at assisting the Registrar Department of Informatics College Manila, attempts to create an integrated enrollment and grading system with transcript database system, providing an efficient way of serving the students during enrollment and releasing the grades. The proposed system shall lessen the laborious manual process in validating the subjects of the students with its pre-requisites and the releasing of transcript of records of graduate students. Getting their official transcript of records would then be easy since the database of the grading system will be shared with the database of the transcript database system.
The Registrar Department is the only department within the school is in charge of creating, accessing, and processing the releasing of grades and transcript of records. This department headed by the Registrar, who is in charge of supervising the processes.
After of enrolling, the student can get there from the registrar. The processes for the grading system are as follows:
(1) In the existing grading system, the lecturers will input all the grades of the students using Microsoft Excel,
(2) The lecturers will submit the grades of all the students for that term,
(3) The registrar will encode the submitted grades in the database for ease of access such as printing if the student wants to have a copy of their grades. Now when getting the transcript of records, the students must fill out the request form. Afterwards, the registrar will summarize the grades of the student who requested for a copy of the transcript of records.
III. Statement of the Problem
The Proponents would like to enhance the current enrollment system of Informatics College Manila. The proponents intend to include a validation and grading system that would improve the current enrollment system. A. General Problem
The Problem that the proponents of this study would like to address is to enhance the current Enrollment System of Informatics College Manila by including a subject validation and grading system that will lessen the workload of the Informatics College Manila Registrar and lecturers.
B. Specific Problem
The proponents have determined the following areas:
1. Problem: The workload of the registrar and lecturers are increasing resulting to inaccuracy in the students grades.
Cause: At present there is an increase in the number of students in Informatics College Manila. With the increase of the number of students per lecturer, grading each student accurately using Microsoft Excel can be difficult. Also, some lecturers have the tendency to submit the student grades multiple times because of revisions that they made.
Effect: Some students encounter problems with their grades by assuming they passed a specific subject and then later on getting a failing mark on their class cards. The registrar will have to manually update each student record because to the revisions that the lecturer made which sometimes result to inaccuracy.
Solution: With the proposed grading system the grades submitted by the lecturers will be automatically consolidated to each student record on the database. This will ensure that the grade given by the lecturer will reflect correctly on the student’s class card. The lecturers cannot submit another copy of the grades more than once. In order to do revisions they can use the save option of the system instead of submit.
2. Problem: It is difficult to validate every subject of each student.
Cause: Checking and validating each subject of every student will take so much time and tiresome especially when there an increasing number of student.
Effect: There are long queues on the registrar and some students take more than 3 years to finish a course in Informatics College Manila.
Solution: An enhancement will be made on the enrollment system that will automatically validate the subjects of each student by its pre-requisites.
3. Problem: Delay in releasing of transcript of records for the graduate students.
Cause: It is hard for one registrar to manually and accurately consolidate the grades of each graduate student.
Effect: The graduate students will have wait for their transcript of records for several days.
Solution: The proposed grading system will have a feature that will automatically consolidate the grades of the students in to the Transcript of Records form that will then be printed by the registrar.
4. Problem: Retrieving old records of students who stopped for a long time can be difficult.
Cause: There is no database for students grades and records are stored either in Microsoft Excel files or printed on a piece of paper.
Effect: Some students will have to take the subjects they have already taken in the past because the file lost. These can lead to inconvenience on the part of the student and loss of students who will enroll again in Informatics College Manila.
Solution: The proposed system will have a database that can be easily retrieve by the registrar.
5. Problem: The operations on the registrar department are slow and disorganized.
Cause: There is no central computerized storehouse of students’ information and student records. Effect: The students will lose trust and doubt the services of the registrar department. Solution: With a database that stores important data, the student can be assured that the records that the registrar department provides is accurate.
IV. Objective of the Study The proponents of this research have identified the following objective as checklist in the enhancement of Enrollment System by adding a validation and grading system. A. General Objective
To enhance, develop and implement an Integrated Enrollment System and Grading System with Transcript Database for Informatics College Manila Campus that is automated, efficient in handling data, accurate and secured from possible threats.
B. Specific Objectives
* To have a grading system so that the students can rely on having an accurate grade and speed up the manual process of releasing the grades. * To build a monitoring system that can keep track of the availability of the subjects of every student enrolled. * To improve the delivery of services especially the issuance of academic records like the transcript of records for those students who are requesting. * To develop an efficient and effective record-keeping and retrieval system of the student records. * To maintain and preserve the academic records of the students of the school.
VI. Significance of the Study
The Integrated Enrolment System and Student Grading with Transcript Database System will provide Informatics College Manila with a more accurate and timely way of giving out class cards and transcript of records of the students.
The results of this study may prove beneficial and useful to the following individuals:
REGISTRAR– the system will help him/her release the class cards and transcript of records with ease. This will also help him/her lessen his/her workload.
ACADEMIC HEAD – this will assist him/her in the students’ assessment of the students’ subject as the system will have a students’ validation of the subjects with its pre-requisites.
LECTURERS – this project/system will help lessen their workload so that they can focus more on their lectures. This will also help them to submit the students’ grades on time.
STUDENTS – this system will provide ease in getting their grades. The students will also be assured that their grades are accurate and are properly documented on the database.
INFORMATICS COLLEGE MANILA – the system will provide the whole institution with a systematic way of handing out grades and transcript of records.
FIELD RESEARCHERS – the system may be helpful and useful in providing contribution to future researches.
V. Scope and Limitation of the Study
In this study the proponents gathered information regarding the proposed system, which is a Grading System, if it is viable asset to the Administrators, Managers, Professors, and Students of Informatics College Manila in terms of its existing methodology and how it is organized.
The study also aims to record all the grades of the students of informatics College Manila into a database. This will provide efficient access of grades for the registrar and an organized, accurate and timely submission of grades of the lecturers.
The proposed system will serve as an enhancement of the current enrolment system of Informatics College Manila so that most of the students’ records will be consolidated into one database, keeping it organized and easy to manage.
There will be an administrator account in the system will have the following features: * Printing of class cards * Printing of transcript of records * Setting of the deadline for the submission of grades of the lecturers * Editing of validation of subjects with its pre-requisites of each students * Create new accounts for new lecturers * Search, view and edit any student record * Delete and edit the account of a lecturer * Edit the student list of each class that a lecturer have
There will also be a lecturers’ account in the system which will have the following features:
* View the student list per class * Input grades of each student per class * Edit the grades that he/she inputted as long as it hasn’t been submitted yet
The proposed Grading System will include the following features:
* Deadline for submission of grades * Validation of subjects with its pre-requisites * Programmed computation of grades * Automated consolidation of grades into the transcript of record of each student
The limitation of the proposed system is in the following areas:
* Availability of the system over the internet * Printing of any other student records such as receipt or billing accounts