Project context
Innovation have made possible for the operations of the computer easy enough in processing records system such as, creation of data, storing, filing and retrieval of data. This Online Grade inquiry with subject evaluation and SMS notification is a process whereby a department head input the grades of the students who are enrolled to the said department and evaluates what subjects should they be taking after they passed their current enrolled subject for them to take their proceeding subject to the next semester after the input of data to the system. The system sends also the grades to the students via SMS every end of the trinal exam who is enrolled to the said department before that they will give first the data to the registrar in order to send the data to the students because the registrar clarify first the data because one of the foremost responsibilities of the registrar office is to keep the student’s grades data secured for their records and purposes.
The head of the said department may now easily encode the data to the system and give the standing records to their students without a consuming a lot of time and gives convenient kind of servicing to the student.
The system basically keeps all the records of the students about their grades and class subjects and it will determine if a particular student passed or fail the subject and it also display announcements like meetings and dates of signing of clearances etc.
Purpose and Description
Our project focuses mainly on keep in track of the students grade and subject and also sending the grade of the student via SMS who are enrolled to the said department. This system on the other hand can display important announcement like meetings and news.
By this, the head of the department can easily gives the grades of a student by just encoding the grades of the students into the system. And also if the head of the department has special