Today, many colleges and universities still use automated system in daily life. But there are so many schools are still using manual system. Grading System is the most commonly used in computing and analyzing the performance, talents and skills of the students. It is the important record to keep even for the longest time for the referral and credentials of the student to enter their next level of attaining their goals. Grading System for Data Accuracy will help a lot in the part of teachers, school, administration and as well as the security of data of students.
The proponents attempt to develop a Grading System that may eliminate the word “manual”. Another feature is the automatic importing of grades from the instructor’s class record and printing it in different forms, unlike the current system wherein they need to write everything and present everything in person. However, this
Proposed system can give us more data accuracy and speed up time not only for the students but also for the instructors. Another capability of the proposed system is storing and accessing old data.
1. Background of the Study
St. John Technological College of the Philippines Grading System today is processed manually, it causes the instructors doing heavy task of computing grades every grading period. The manual Grading System in St. John slows down the processing and delaying submission of grades as well as the security of data of the students has not been defined in manual system .The computerized grading system will benefit the school and help the students to view their grades every examination period . The rapid advancement of computers in our society has made our daily workloads easier and more accurate. With its vast development, we need to set ourselves in its change and go with its flow. It had changed the views of many people to shift or after their way of doing their task from a manual system