Candace Calder
Grand Canyon University: SPE 226
October 20, 2014
As our understanding of learning, biology, and psychology progresses, our awareness increases of the prevalence and diversity of learning disabilities. Intellectual disabilities present unique challenges. Autism and spectrum disorders are only now being differentiated. Further, severe and multiple disability situations present their own opportunities and issues. It is only through understanding the innumerable challenges one can encounter that proper curricula can be developed and thereby enriching and improving the lives of the students.
Intellectual Disabilities
Intellectual disability is defined by the American Association on Intellectual …show more content…
As new information about these disabilities becomes available educators will need to adapt their curricula to be appropriate for each student. The more we understand the better able we are to meet the needs of the student and the parents. As we all work together to make sure we are reaching individual IEP goals we will discover better ways to educate and take care of each of these types of students. The ultimate idea to keep in mind when educating these students is that every student is different, unique in their own way, but they are never less than anyone else.
AAIDD. (2013, ). Definition. Retrieved from American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities website:
GCU. (2014). SPE 226: Educating the Exceptional Learner. Lecture 4.
Hardman, M. L., Drew, C. J., & Egan, M. W. (2014). Human exceptionality: School, community, and family. Belmont California: Cengage Learning.
Office Of Scientific And Health Reports, National Institute Of Neurological Disorders And Stroke, & National Institutes Of Health. (1996, August). Autism fact sheet- guide for parents of autistic children. Retrieved from Child Development Institute website: