What is IPR (Intellectual Property Rights)? Intellectual Property refers to creation of mind i.e. inventions, industrial designs for article, literary & artistic work, symbols etc. used in commerce. Intellectual property is divided into two categories: 1. Industrial property, which includes inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial designs, and geographic indications and 2. Copyright, which includes literary and artistic works such as novels, poems, plays, films and musical works etc. According to the TRIPS Agreement, the Intellectual Property has been classified into-Patents, Industrial Designs, Trade Marks, Copyright, Geographical Indications, Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits, Protection of Undisclosed Information/Trade Secrets. Different IP Rights vary in the protection they provide.
What is Patent? A patent is granted as an exclusive right by the Government for an invention for a limited period of time in consideration of full disclosure of the invention by an applicant. A patentee enjoys exclusive right to prevent a third party from an unauthorized act of making, using, offering for sale, selling or importing the patented product or process within the country during the term of the patent. A patented invention becomes free for public use after expiry of the term of the patent or when the patent ceases to have effect on account of non-payment of renewal fee.
INDIAN PATENT HISTORY: The first legislation in India relating to patents was the Act VI of 1856. The objective of this legislation was to encourage inventions of new and useful manufactures and to induce inventors to disclose secret of their inventions. The Act was subsequently repealed by Act IX of 1857 since it had been enacted without the approval of the sovereign. Fresh legislation for granting ‘exclusive privileges’ was introduced