The term “interbeing”, means that were all somehow connected to everything, even though this word is not in the dictionary it carries a lot meaning. In the book Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh the term “interbeing” has a lot to do with the meaning of the word. Interbeing becomes a way of living to, finding peace in every situation and undertstanding the surrounding around another or ourselves and at times both. For we people are connected to everything, connected to planet we even live on, for we have a natural connection with Mother Nature and everything around us.
As we move on and live our daily lives doing what us humans topically do such as damage the Earth that we live on, at the same time were damaging ourselves. Such as polluting the air, dumping chemicals in oceans, going to war, and dumping waste, by doing all these and the extra things we people do wrong were destroying Earth and ourselves and that’s also where “interbeing” takes part as well. Interbeing also has to do with not just the things we do wrong and our connection with Earth but to also feel and understand and coming to peace with the situations we ourselves are in, “We need the vision of interbeing- we belong to each other; we cannot cut reality into pieces.” (pg. 103). We must seek peace and try to reach the positive side to things, and try to lead to a positive lifestyle for ourselves and others. This can only lead to a happier and peaceful life, and with this state of mind we should try to share this action and spread future lifestyle for the world to lead to a better place. So many things in this world distract and detach ourselves from our roots and move our interest into other things, but, “Real strength is not in power, money, or weapons, but in deep, inner peace.” (pg.99). If we can look and give more peace our lives and others can lead to a more mindful, peaceful, happy and positive future.