Intercontinental Hotels Group
Contents 1. Summary 2 2. Background of Intercontinental Hotels Group (IHG) 2 3. Evaluation of Intercontinental Hotels Group Strategic Plans 2 4. Intercontinental Hotels Group’s Strategic Plans 3 a. Improving the performance of their brands 3 b. Generating excellent returns from their hotels 3 c. Putting their market scale and knowledge to good use 3 d. Strengthening our organisation 4 e. Corporate Responsibility strategy 4 5. Intercontinental Hotels Group’s way of Implementing their Strategic Plan 4 6. Benefits of their Strategic Planning 5 7. Conclusion 5
1. Summary
This report examines the background of Intercontinental Hotels Group and the types of business model it adopts in its operations. It also investigate the how it use strategic plans to compete in the markets that it operates and the benefits it attached from having strategic plans down to implementation and monitoring.
In summary, Intercontinental Hotels Group is a worldwide company focusing of the hospitability and tourism industry. It has clear vision, mission and values which were supported with sensible strategic policies to achieve their organizational goals. Implementing the strategies in the best possible way and monitoring their progress which enables them to refine their strategies is at the heart of their operation.
2. Background of Intercontinental Hotels Group (IHG)
The history of Intercontinental Hotels Group date back to seventeen century, when William Bass started Bass Brewery in1777. The business continues to develop within UK into other regions and in the late eighteen century it became the leading Brewers and registered its trademark in 1876 as Bass Red triangle. The company enters into hotel industry in 1988 when it bought Holidays Inns International which was followed by a number of acquisitions internationally. Ten years later, it acquired