Management in
Culture and Negotiated Meanings
Edited by
Henriett Primecz
Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Laurence Romani
Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Sonja Sackmann
University of Bw Munich, Germany
Edward Elgar
Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA
© Henriett Primecz, Laurence Romani and Sonja Sackmann 2011
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Published by
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2011929461
ISBN 978 1 84980 407 3 (cased)
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Contents vii xii xiv List of contributors
1 Culture and negotiated meanings: the value of considering meaning systems and power imbalance for cross-cultural management Laurence Romani, Sonja A. Sackmann and Henriett Primecz
2 On the road again: culturally generic spaces as coping strategies in international consultancy
Sara Louise Muhr and Jeanette Lemmergaard
3 Dynamics of ethnocentrism and ethnorelativism: a case study of Finnish-Polish collaboration
Sampo Tukiainen
4 Exploring the culture context of Franco-Vietnamese development projects: using an interpretative approach to improve the cooperation process
Sylvie Chevrier
5 The intercultural challenges in the transfer of codes of conduct from the USA to Europe
Christoph I. Barmeyer and Eric Davoine
6 When American management system
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