There are many techniques and strategies that can be implemented to encourage our students to learn in fun and creative ways. One of the strategies we have chosen to use is by administering an interest inventory to our students. By graphing the results of the interest inventory, we can better visualize the interests of our students and create lessons according to what interests them most. As with most people, adults included, if we do something we enjoy, we will do a better job of completing the assignment.
Original Interest Inventory
Amusements and Other Activities
1. What do you usually do after school?
2. What are your favorite sports?
3. Do you like to make things? If so, what?
4. Do you have pets? What are they?
5. Do you collect things? If so, what?
6. Do you take private lessons (piano, tennis, etc.)? If so, what?
7. If you could have one wish, what would it be?
8. What are you afraid of?
Television, Radio, Movies, Music, Computer
9. About how many hours a day do you watch TV during the week? On weekends?
10. What TV programs do you like?
11. About how many hours a day do you listen to the radio during the week? At other times?
12. How often do you attend movies?
13. What is your favorite movie?
14. What musical groups do you like?
15. Do you enjoy computer games? If so, what kinds?
16. Do you like to read?
17. What type of books do you like?
18. Do you enjoy hearing someone read or tell stories?
19. Do you use the school library? Often, seldom, or never?
20. Do you use the public library? Often, seldom, or never?
21. Do you like magazines? If so, which ones?
22. Do you read newspapers? If so, what parts?
Vocational and Educational Interests
23. What would you like to do after finishing school?
24. Is there anyone in television or the movies who does the type of work you would like to do? If so, who?
25. What subject do you like best?
26. What subject do you like least?
27. In what subject do you get
References: Learn NC. (2004). Football Math. Retrieved 10/26/2010 from HYPERLINK "" The Adaptive Dimension. Jan. 30, 2001. The Learner-Interests. Retrieved 10/24/2010 HYPERLINK "" Interest Inventory PAGE * MERGEFORMAT 8