
Intergenerational Transmission Of Attachment In Vincent's Case

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Intergenerational Transmission Of Attachment In Vincent's Case
Vincent and Andrea share great affection towards each other. However, his mother generally does not provide for Vincent like she should. She has been accused many times of having inadequate guardianship among other things. Vincent may have an anxious-ambivalent attachment to his mother, which could impact risks for developmental problems. He contiuously wants his mother’s love, yet she is not consistent in giving it to him. Therefore, Vincent could struggle later in life with intimacy or possibly have a fear of rejection.

2. Intergenerational transmission of attachment refers to similarities and differences in attachment styles between parents and their children (Example: how your grandmother parented your mother will have an effect on how
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Describe the risk factors and protective factors that are present in Vincent’s case.
Some risk factors that are present in Vincent’s case are his genetics. His maternal grandmother is said to been neglectful and engage in a permissive, uninvolved parenting style. Perhaps her mother was detouring her own problems on to Andrea. Because of this, Andrea modeled her mother’s behavior onto her son, Vincent. As a result, Vincent may be at risk to follow his mother and grandmother’s actions if he ever has children. Not to mention, Andrea suffers from schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, major depression, and epilepsy, which indicates that Vincent has a greater risk of developing these diagnoses.
On the other hand, the protective factors include the bond Vincent shares for his mother, as well as his father. Vincent enjoys attention, and benefits from engaging in family activities at his foster care home. However, how much time he spends with his mother could actually be a risk factor. Andrea has expressed that Vincent does not have any extracurricular activities, therefore, he could suffer from lack of socialization. The reason he does not seek out interactions with his classmates could be a result of Andrea’s parenting

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