
Internal Conflict In Hamlet Essay

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Internal Conflict In Hamlet Essay
In Shakespeare's “Hamlet”, he presents us Hamlet, a character that from the beginning is by two events, the death of his father and the marriage of his mom with his very own uncle. His unstable state and with the appearance of his deceased father's ghost urge him to seek revenge on his dad's killer, uncle claudius. However, this will not be an easy task, Hamlet in order to achieve the the revenge for his father's death he has to put himself through serious internal and external conflict that force him to do things that in his sane mind would do. Acting mad to hide his real intentions and to get an edge over his enemies, lie to people he loves and cares about and Revenge is defined as “the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands.”
After the message Hamlet to be able to avenge his father's death he has to go through internal and external conflict that put him out of his normal way. Hamlet's emotions and internal conflicts and demons are unveiled to us throughout the play with his soliloquies.
For the first act we can see that he lives in constant doubt between taking revenge or not. This uncertain doubt will make him go through feelings of lonlyness and powerlessness, even contemplating his own suicide,
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In Hamlet we can see the natural dichotomy every human being possesses and battles with throughout their lives. He is convinced that he has to kill his uncle because he has the sufficient evidence to do so and is a task given by the very own spirit of his father, yet, he holds back from making the decision he is not completely sure he wants to take matters into his own hands until he knows for sure what he wants to

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