The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, is a play that takes place during a time period of the witch trials. The entire community is in pandemonium and certain characters are also fighting internal conflicts. Miller uses three characters that shows this internal battle : Abigail Williams, John Proctor who must weigh the importance of his family against his reputation and the Putnams. vengeance is the act of taking revenge for things that went wrong in their life.. In the Crucible, Abigail Williams took advantage of circumstances to carry out vengeance against different people. For Abigail Williams, she made use of the paranoia of the witchcraft trials to her advantage to carry out personal vengeance against Elizabeth Proctor. She starts by playing on the towns people’s fear of the witch craft by pretending she was being attacked by witches. She pretended she was being attacked by an invisible bird sent out by Mary Warren (“why do you come, yellow bird?”) to show that she was going to tell the truth and then she changed her mind, accused countless …show more content…
It also played a big part in creating conflicts between John Proctor and his wife, inner conflicts, as well as desperation adds to the stories complexity. In Arthur Miller's The Crucible, John Proctor's stand in a society where opinion drove fate and beliefs. In the beginning John Proctor hid his horrible act of cheating inside. He feared the consequences. In the end it came down to Proctor's reputation and this proved that he was stronger than the entire community of Salem. Proctor's mixed up feeling caused him to come to a conclusion and he wound up confessing his sins. Theocracy came together to take control over Salem. Danforth stated, "You must understand, sir, a person is either with the church or against it, there be no road between. We live no longer in the dusky afternoon and evil mixed itself with good and befuddled