After the meeting with Sara, Tom Fried emailed you. In the email, he explained the situation and asked your advice. In your email reply back to Tom, address the following:
What obligations do you feel the bank has to ensure that its employees are not harmed, for instance, by having their chances for advancement limited by the social customs of a host country?
What international moral code, if any, is being violated by the Bank?
Has the bank made the correct decision by opting to follow the norms of the host country?
How would you recommend that Tom handle this particular situation?
What …show more content…
Sara Strong had this right protected under Title VII of the Civil Act of 1964 which prohibits discrimination in employment in any business on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Title VII also prohibits retaliation from employers against employees who oppose such unlawful discrimination. Sara Strong 's case is further protected by additions to the statute in 1991 by the U.S Congress which ensure the protection of the citizens against the discrimination of the multinationals of the United States. Under this statute, it is the obligation of the Security Bank of the American Continent to treat persons assigned for a station in a foreign country the same way as if it were on the American territory. Her rights are also protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as put together by the United Nations under Article 23 section 1, requires that "everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work ..."(U.N General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948). Mexico and the United States of America are both member states of the U.N and consequently have pledged to co-operate in the promotion of these …show more content…
With this in mind, Ms Strong should have been informed of the moral and social requirements of working in that country and ideally given the choice for a similar position with equal reimbursement at a location whereby factors such as gender inequality are not tolerated or culturally accepted. U.S Supreme Court recommends mediation and arbitration to resolve conflicts when there is a difference in the discrimination law of use in The United States and that of other countries (Business & Economic Review/Oct.-DEC, 93 - Anita Cava and Gift Meyer). The Security Bank of the American Continent and Sara Strong can sign an agreement to show which country 's law is applicable in this