Assignment 1: Challenges in international management
Type: Individual
Format: Essay (You are encouraged to use headings and/or sub-headings to separate the sections/cases of your essay.) Word limit: 2500 words (variation within 10% more or less is allowed) This activity is a platform to sharpen and demonstrate your knowledge and analytical skills in international business. It is designed to help you achieve the learning outcomes 1, 2 & 3. The assignment focuses on the actors of international business and their actions in the contemporary international business context. It also provides you with opportunities to link the international theories with the practice by analysing real-world examples from the academic point of view. Key Assignment Question: How does international business organisation achieve its internationalisation objectives in the contemporary context?
1. Select a multinational corporation. 2. Write a brief overview of the organisation and its mission/objectives related to international business (maximum 500 words for this section) 3. Select and then analyse the internationalisation process of the organisation and its impacts on the international context (International business theories can be adopted in this section)
• What did the organisation do to internationalise itself? [i.e. environmental analysis, involvement with different actors, entry mode]
• Please explain factors affecting the internationalisation process of your Multinational Corporation(MNC).
• What was the impact of these actions on the organisation and/or broader community (i.e. host country, competitors, industry etc.)?
(1,500 words) 4. Experience/lessons Learned (500 words)
• What experience and/or lessons should the organisation have learnt from the analysis? Why do you think they are important for their future acting?
• What insights did you gain about international business in the
References: Laural Delaney, December 16, 2004, 20 Factors to Consider before Going Global, viewed on April 13th, 2012 Expanding Internationally: 8 Points To Consider Before Going Global, 2007, viewed on April, 13th ,2012