School of Business Management, Winter - 2013
Subject Title International Business Management
Subject Description Around the world, company managers are creating a new business order by internationalizing corporate activity. This course focuses on concepts that should be known by students intending to be involved in global commerce.
Credit Status One Credit.
Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this subject the student will be able to:
1. Explain the importance to Canadian managers of thinking international and learning how to operate outside of Canada.
2. Understand how country differences in political economy, culture, language, social structure, religion, education, location and resources affect business around the world.
3. Identify and describe the major opportunities and challenges in world markets for Canadian business.
4. Explain the effects that changes in the value of a country's currency have on trade and how companies can reduce the resultant risk.
5. Define international trade and its importance to the Canadian economy.
6. Explain the incentives and risks of foreign direct investment.
7. Explain and describe the methods used by companies to enter international markets.
8. Describe how Canadian governments play a major role in international business.
9. Discuss current events that affect Canada's international business.
Cheating and Plagiarism Each student should be aware of the College's policy regarding Cheating and Plagiarism. Seneca's Academic Policy will be strictly enforced.
To support academic honesty at Seneca College, all work submitted by students may be reviewed for authenticity and originality, utilizing software tools and third party services. Please visit the Academic Honesty site on for further information regarding cheating and plagiarism policies and procedures.
Discrimination/Harassment All students and