Carlos Sikaffy
Facilitator: Regina Smeltzer
NUR401: Transcultural Nursing
November 25, 2011
Plagiarism Statement I have read and understand the plagiarism policy as outlined in the University Bulletin and this module as it relates to the IWU Honesty/Cheating Policy. By affixing this statement, I certify that I have not cheated or plagiarized in the process of completing this assignment. If it is found that cheating and/or plagiarism have taken place, I understand that the consequences of this action may include expulsion from Indiana Wesleyan University.
Carlos N. Sikaffy November 25, 2011 Name Date
Cultural Interview of Nigerian Culture
The country of Nigeria is located in Western Africa bordering the Gulf of Guinea (Bureau of African Affairs, 2011). The Cultural interview discussed in this paper was conducted on a 33 year old man who migrated to the United States of America from Nigeria 4 years ago. “Nigeria has over 50 languages and over 250 dialects and ethnic groups” (Central Intelligence Agency, 2011). The three largest groups are the Hausa-Fulani, the Igbo, and the Yoruba. Nigeria music is mostly folk-like. It is very popular worldwide due to the unique instruments played such as the gongon drums (Faola & Heaton, 2008). The person I interviewed is a coworker of mine. Our interview took place in Taco Bell in Willoughby, Ohio, November 20th at 11 A.M. We spoke for about 1 hour and 40 minutes. During our interview I asked questions about the standards of living in Nigeria, and cultural beliefs and practices. I also asked individual questions about personal life and perceptions about Nigerian and American culture.
According to my interviewee most of the houses in Western Africa are made out of brick. The only people who are able to have things such as air conditioning, televisions, and telephone service are rich people. Most
References: Bureau of African Affairs. (2011). Background notes: Nigeria. Gradual Reform. Central Intelligence Agency. (2011). The World Factbook-Nigeria. Retrieved November 25, 2011 from: Economic and Financial Crimes Commission. (2011).Nigeria. Retrieved November 25, 2011 from: Falola, T., & Heaton, M McLaughlin, A. (2006). In Africa, Islam and Christianity are growing-and blending. The Christian Science Monitor. United States Agency of International Development