Using Nigeria as a focus, the research work was on the federal character, its deficiencies and its effects in the public service. The research work highlights the history of inequality in Nigeria, evolution of the quota system in order to give readers an insight into how educational imbalances religion and ethno cultural diversities has affected the quality of personnel recruited into the public service.
The population of this study is made up of total members of staff of the Nigerian civil service, out of which a sample size of hundred, were randomly selected, analysed and interpretations given there upon.
Findings from the research work indicated that indeed government is carrying out reforms in the public sector to reposition the public sector toward better service delivery by adopting entrepreneurial management facilities to improve efficiency and effectiveness in all spheres of government business.
It is therefore imperative for Nigerians to come together by way of sovereign national conference to address the national question (uneven development, marginalization of minor ethnic groups) and reach permanent compromises on the way they want the affairs of the country to be run
The resort to the ethnic or cultural question in the understanding of the crisis of nation-building is not peculiar to Nigeria. The crises in Yugoslavia, in Somalia, among the Oromo, in Casamance and many other parts of the world have been interpreted in ethnic terms. Yet, the impression is that the ethnic challenge is the biggest question we are yet to confront or address squarely is the newest question begging for answer today.
The national question is the question about the social, economic and political survival of nations, or a nation state. It is the intricate, complex and multifaceted nature of the engaging manner of relationships
References: Abubakar, M. (2005) “The National Question and Democratic Consolidation in Nigeria” Lecture delivered at the Jorgor Centre in Ibadan, Nigeria. Anshen, M. (1967) “The Federal Budget as an Instrument for Management and Analysis” in Novick D. (ed) Program Budgeting, Program Analysis and the Federal Government, Harvard University Press. Barnes, A.E. (1997): Some Fire behind the Smoke The Fraser Report and Its Aftermath in Colonial Northern Nigeria’, Canadian Journal of African Studies, 31, 2, pp. 197-228. Iyeyemi, I.I Obasanjo, O. (2000) Preface to Federal Republic of Nigeria Financial Regulations (revised to 1st January, 2000). Hornby, A.S. (1995) Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, fifth edition, Oxford University Press. ARTICLES AND JOURNALS Federal Republic of Nigeria, (1977), “Report of the Constitutional Drafting Committee,” Vol Federal Republic of Nigeria, (1977), “Report of the Constitutional Drafting Committee”, Vol. I, Ministry of Information, Lagos. Federal Republic of Nigeria, (1977) “Report of the Constitutional Drafting Committee”, Vol. II, Ministry of Information, Lagos. Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN), 2001, “National Poverty Eradication Programme”: Programme & Implementation Strategies, Abuja. MAGAZINES Tell, 1994, November 14th, ‘Power: Why the North is Backward’