Kamalesh Kumar, Ph.D., Professor of Business Strategy kamalesh@umd.umich.edu (313) 593-5214 (Work)
Julie Dziekan, DBA, Asst. Professor of Organizational Behavior jdziekan@umd.umich.edu (313) 593-9958 (Work)
Course Description
The course aims to provide a systematic review of international environmental forces and their influence on all management areas of corporate entities. Emphasis is placed on the issues confronting managers in international arena as they attempt to plan, organize, staff and control global operations of multinational companies. The course will offer in-depth coverage of cross-cultural management, behavioral dimensions of managing organizations in the global context, and human resources management issues.
OB 510 and HRM 561
Required Textbooks
International Dimensions of Organization Behavior, Nancy J. Adler, Thompson-South-Western, Fifth Edition, 2008, ISBN 13:978-0324-36074-5 & 10:0324-36074-6
International Human Resource Management, Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing & Allen D. Engle, Sr., South-Western CENGAGE Learning, Fifth Edition, 2009, ISBN 13:978-0324-58034-1 & 10:0-324-58034-7
Cases required for the case analysis assignment are provided as scanned copy. Click on a particular case assignment to get the scanned copy of the case and the questions you need to answer for the case.
Grade Determination
Grades in this course will be based on:
|Participation in Unit Discussion |= 100 |
|6 Cases & Discussion (50 6 each) |= 300 |
|Research Project |= 300 |
|Final Exam |= 200 |
|Total |= 900 |
Letter grades will be based on the following scale:
|97-100 |A+ |
|93-96 |A |
|90-92 |A- |
|87-89 |B+ |
|83-86 |B |
|80-82 |B-