Pietro Di Fazio and Martina Menegatti
Report n. 1
The Gravity Model for Trade of Italy
International Trade Theory is a science about Trade and its rules, causes and effects. In this report we had to choose a country and find dat about it, such as the Export and Import’s Volume, GDP (Gross Domestic Products); then we had to find its Trade Power and Structure, focusing on this information:
- Who trades with whom
- How much
- What
Italy is an European country, situated in the Southern part of the continent. With 61 million inhabitants, it is the 5th most populous European country. It covers an area of 301,338 Km2. To the north, Italy borders France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. It is a peninsula, so the rest is surrounded by Mediterranean sea.
Economic Situation
In the report we used data from 2013; Italian GDP , in December 2013, was 2071,31 USD Bln. GDP in the previous year was 2013,27 USD Bln, but its maximum value was about 2307,31 USD Bln. Whereas the GDP per capita (GDP/population) was about 28376,38 USD.
Italy trades with many countries in Europe and all over the world. The total amount of trade was 956 USD Bln, divided in Export (482 USD Bln) and Import (474 USD Bln).
Export Destinations of Italy
Total Country Trade: 482 B (USD)
As you can see, Italy exports almost the 25 % of the total Export to Euro-Zone Countries, like Germany and France, because these countries are really close to Italy and they can trade using Euro, like Italy does. The third Country is Usa because, although it is a Non European Country, it’s the main economic power in the World.
Factors like distance, currency, language and traditions influence the direction of Trade and it’s clearly visible from the other countries in the first part of the list, which are all in the Euro-Zone.
Products exported by Italy