Regional inequalities will appear on a multiple of levels from city wide to almost continent wide, for example the Asian tiger nations, London, Beijing, China, Italy and Burkina Faso. Economic Factors responsible for these inequalities however there are other factors such as Social and Environmental, The disparities throughout Italy are caused by mainly two of these factors, Economic and environmental . The disparities in Italy were original just two zones the north and south however the third Italy is now becoming more prominent. Main causes of inequalities are Comparative advantages which are advantages due to natural resources & location, which creates the initial stimulus for an industry to locate there. Acquired advantages are Due to cumulative causation the reputation of the area is increased attracting other industry. E.g. skilled workforce improved infrastructure etc.
The whole make up of economy in Europe has a part to play in Italy’s down fall. Problem Regions consist of Depressed rural regions – peripheral regions with little industry & large out-migration e.g. Mezzogiorno. And also Declining industrial areas – now suffer de-industrialization because of the decline of heavy industry e.g. Ruhr, Thames gateway. Growth Regions: Primate regions – Concentration of wealth, industry, population e.g. London. Growth regions – regions of growth e.g. golden triangle of Paris, London & Amsterdam. Islands of innovation e.g. Berlin specialize in techno-industrial fields. Small activity centers – Occur in periphery areas because of cheap labor & incentives e.g. Lisbon. The Hot Banana is an Area covering Europe’s core areas. It stretches from SE England, through N France, the Rhine, and the Ruhr & into Milan. This zone attracts company HQs and R&D and accounts for 40% of EU total output.
There is a large disparity between N