Student Number : 20130810032
Class : A
General Information about Public speaking
I. Introduction
Public speaking is when you speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners.
II. Interpretation Public speaking has been a vital means of personal empowerment and civic engagement throughout history. It is not foreign anymore in our ears. There are many similarities between public speaking and daily conversation, but public speaking is totally different with speaking daily conversation. In conversation, almost without thinking about it, you employ a wide range of skills. You organize your ideas logically and if you speaking in daily conversation you don’t need to find good topic, organizing your idea, use good grammar, formal language and structured. Whereas in public speaking we must to find good topic, organizing your idea, use good grammar, use formal language and it demands a different method of delivery. In short they are totally different. Public speaking is not just you do the speech but public speaking can also, when you do the debate or meeting presentation. There are basically four styles, viz. informative: When a person gives a speech before an audience to impart information on a particular topic or issue, it said to be an informative speech. Persuasive: Persuasive speeches are those where one tries to persuade or convince a group of people. Ceremonial: Ceremonial speeches are usually given on occasions like weddings, funerals, graduation parties, and retirement parties etc. then extemporaneous: Extemporaneous, also known as impromptu speeches are those where you will be asked to talk about a particular topic without prior notice. Each style is different from the other and has specific characteristics. In generally public speaking is for to inform the audience about something and in public speaking we share our knowledge to our audience