Maastricht University | | | | School of Business & Economics | | | | Place & date: | Maastricht, 08.12.2012 | | | | Name, initials: | Guillaume Piront GPJP | | For assessor only | | ID number: | I6050683 | | 1. Content | | Study: | International Business | | 2. Language structure | | Course code: | EBC1009 | | 3. Language accuracy | | Group number: | IB A/18 | | 4. Language: Format & citing/referencing | | Tutor name: | Johnson, MMAJ (Michele) | | Overall: | | Writing tutor name: | Menzies, LA (Lesley-Ann) | | Advisory grade | | Writing assignment: | Main Paper. | | Assessor’s initials | |
Email address: p.guillaume@student.maastrichtuniversity.nl
Overview: 1. Introduction 2. Content 3. What is an internet auction? 4. What is eBay and how does it work? 5. What is Sotheby’s and how does it work? 6. The Game Theory (Sotheby’s and eBay) 7. Conclusion
1. Introduction:
Nowadays, it is very easy for anyone who owns a computer to acquire a product by bidding for it. Internet auctions are more and more popular for practical and authentic reasons. The fast growth of the internet sector has led to fundamental changes in our day-to-day life; and so due to its flexibility and attraction, numerous markets have been able to adapt to it. Consequently, more and more are virtually taking place. Internet dealings by way of auction now occupy the major share of this market. Worldwide markets, such as auction markets, which are still undergoing growth, have developed into a new auction form.
Furthermore, we know that many famous online auction market websites, such as eBay, work very well and have encountered great success in this domain. How eBay is succeeding on the market? What can we infer from the other online auction markets?
Samuel Baker created Sotheby’s 268
References: ° Patrick Bajari and Ali Hortaçsu, (June 2004), Economic Insights From Internet Auctions, Retrieved from: http://faculty.washington.edu/bajari/published/insight.pdf. ° Gary E. Bolton, Elena Katok, Axel Hockenfels, (February 2004), Trust Among Internet Traders: A Behavioral Economics Approach, Retrieved from: http://www.fernuni-hagen.de/PRPH/ockt.pdf, ° McDowell, M., Thom, R., Pastine, I., Frank, R., Bernanke, B. (2012). Principles of Economics (3rd European ed.) Maidenhead, UK: McGraw-Hill Education. ° Sotheby’s, (2012), BidNow/WatchingLive, Retrieved from: http://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/watch-live.html ° Sotheby’s, (2012), Magazines, Retrieved from: http://www.sothebys.com/en/inside/magazine.html ° Wikipedia, (December 2012), Online Auctions, Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_auction -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ]. 2 http://www.sothebys.com/en/buysell/auctions.html