The transactional model does not claim that one person falls under the category “sender” or “receiver” but that both people can be considered “communicators” and that both members of the conversation play equal roles in communicating. For example, while one person may be speaking verbally the other could be speaking non-verbally. Because communicators affect each other (Rothwell, 2004), interpersonal communication involves ethical responsibilities. Whether a person is speaking verbally or non- verbally the conversation can make the other person feel better.
The conversation between the two women displays the transactional model in multiple ways in the way they speak as well as through their actions. Both women go back and forth playing the roles of the “sender” and “receiver”. The women both send negative signals with not only their verbal but also their non-verbal actions. The women both spend the majority of the conversation using condescending tones but hope has many rude actions by not giving Susannah her full-undivided attention but continues walking around completing tasks.
The women clearly are confused about the intentions of the other. After the women begin to listen to each other and really hear what the other one has to say, they are able to really open up the lines of communication. Once their verbal lines of communication are open their non-verbal lines of communication appear to become more open as well. The end of the clip shows Susannah getting into Hope’s tub and Susannah giving her a towel and