Juno chose Mark and Vanessa from the Penny Saver because of the look and legitimacy of their picture. Juno liked the fact that they didn’t use a fake background in the picture. Just from the looks of the ad Juno made the perception that this couple would be the perfect parents for her unborn baby, she doesn’t seem to realize how odd it is for the couple to advertise for a baby in the Penny Saver. As the movie progresses, we soon find out they were not so “perfect” after all. Juno’s initial perceptions of the couple change as they both reveal parts of their private selves throughout the movie.
“They were beautiful, even in black and white” -Juno
Juno and her dad travel to meet the couple and at first glance the marriage as it was shown thru the want ads seemed to be a solid loving marriage. Juno is impressed at the size, neatness, and accessories of
References: Brewer, W. F., & Nakamura, G. V. (1984). The nature and functions of schemas. In R. S. Wyer & T. K. Srull (Eds.), Handbook of social cognition (Vol. 1, pp. 119-160). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. McCornack, Steven (2010). Reflect & Relate an introduction to interpersonal communication Second Edition. Boston, MA Bedford/St. Martin 's. Reitman, J. (Director). Malkovich, J. (Producer) (2007). Juno [Film] Hollywood:Mandate Pictures. Satrapa, A., Melhado, M. B., Coelho, M. M. C., Otta, E., Taubemblatt, R., & Siqueira, W. D. F. (1992). Influence of style of dress on formation of first impressions. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 74, 159-162. Waite, L. J., & Lillard, L. A. (1991). Children and marital disruption. The RAND Publication, N-3315-NICHD, 930-953.