In a treacherous kingdom, there lived an orphan boy whom was destined to become the Prince of Persia. Growing up in the slums, the boy, Dastan, fought to sleep and stole to eat. One day, the young scavenger went to the market to snatch a daily meal when the kingdom soldiers caught him in his act. The boy fled the scene. Regardless of his agile maneuvers and stealthy tactics, the henchmen seized him. The king called out to the boy “Where are thy parents, boy?” He lowered his face and shed a tear. From that point on, the king raised Dastan among his two other sons as his own. This story will present how Dastan creates new relationships and terminates old ones.
Dastan grew up in a family that consisted of three siblings. The three brothers always fought and competed to impress father, King Sharaman. Though they loved each other dearly, the thought of being the heir of the next throne lurked inside their minds creating a sense of caution towards them. Tus, the oldest of the brothers, was slow to anger and very analytical. As for Garsiv, the youngest of the brothers, portrayed a quick to battle, but quite naïve at times.
Dastin, on the other hand, showed characteristics of emotional intelligence. He contained a certain ability in which he could relate and befriend all he meets. The kings, queens, guards, squires, maids, bumpkins, peasants, and everyone who passed his way learned to enjoy his company and friendship. Dastan and Garsiv got along well when they were young lads, but as time took its toll they began to differentiate. The two no longer shared similarities in battle and home issues. Garsiv often used aggressive talk to attack Dastin’s self-concept with the intent of inflicting psychological pain which also resulted in Garsiv committing passive aggression. Garsiv continually reiterates the story in which the king adopts a street rat as a son which consequently ends up with Dastin defending himself with defensive communication.