Introduction 3
Literature review 5
Methodology 7
Findings and discussion
1. Knowledge overrides literal word meanings 8
2. Innate Knowledge of human 12
3. Thought is independent of language 14
Conclusion 16
Limitation 16
References 18
The word ‘psycholinguistics’ is first used in the year of 1936. As Steinberg and Sciarini (2006) mentioned in their book An Introduction to Psycholinguistics regarding the definition of psycholinguistics, it is the psychology of language as it relates to learning, mind and brain as well as various aspects of society and culture. Field (2003) established a definition that psycholinguistics draws on ideas and knowledge from a number of associated areas, such as phonetics, semantics and pure linguistics. Meanwhile according to Merriam-Webster dictionary, psycholinguistics is the study of the mental faculties which involved in the perception, production, and acquisition of language. There are variations of definition regarding the term which simply associated with psychology and language. In fact, variety of fields namely psychology, linguistics, philosophy, second-language teaching, speech pathology can all benefit from the wide range of important theory and concept that are considered in the area of psycholinguistics. After all, there are selected matters in psycholinguistics that are interesting to discuss with specifically regarding knowledge and thought.
Since human being is the most unique creation that Allah ever created as He created them in good shape, excellent condition and the most crucial part is the brilliant human’s mind. He created human on purpose and the purpose of human’s creation is to serve Allah and to appreciate Allah such as appreciate the knowledge that He gives to human being and to follow His order. The word ‘knowledge’ is first known in the 14th century (Middle English) with different
References: ‘Abdullah Yusuf ‘Ali. (2005) The Holy Qur’an: Text and Translation. Islamic Book Trust: Kuala Lumpur. Steinberg and Sciarini. (2006) An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Pearson Education Limited: United Kingdom. Weblinks Retrieved February 25, 2011 from the World Wide Web, Retrieved February 28, 2011 from the World Wide Web Retrieved March 1, 2011 from the World Wide Web Retrieved March 1, 2011 from the World Wide Web