Terri, as a black male I felt so uncomfortable in my gut reading how black men have oppressed black females. Some of the reading was so difficult emotionally to read I felt a little sick to my stomach. The reading describing what happened on slave ships to children angered me to point of wanting to ask God why was this necessary. I began to wish I could go back in time and "wipe out" every slave owner and crew prior to picking up the first slave.…
Firstly, unequal treatment in the classroom can negatively affect the academic performance and well-being of marginalized students. When students face discrimination, it creates a bad environment where they might feel unsupported. This can lead to a lack of motivation and lack of class participation, which only affects the students’ academic performance. Furthermore, letting these inequalities unaddressed can lead to the reinforcement of societal prejudices and discrimination, which in turn undermines the principles of equality and fairness and marginalized groups of students feel left out. Another issue that the public schools are not able to address is the disparity in teacher quality between working-class and elite schools.…
In the United States today, ascribed status is extensively influential in determining one’s social class. Commonly associated with race and gender, ascribed social statuses can serve as obstacles in many individual’s lives. Schaefer (2015) stated, although Malcolm X was an alarmingly intelligent young man and graduated near the top of his class, teachers persistently discouraged him. While Malcolm dreamed of becoming a lawyer, one teacher suggested he pursue carpentry instead. At that moment, Malcolm concluded that his race prevented him from becoming a successful lawyer and achieving his dreams (pg. 107). For many minorities, as well as women, their ascribed statuses will ceaselessly penalize them. For example, for an entire year, my 6th grade…
The first insight is creating and expanding categories within schools, and second, the creation of categories in schools are basically the starting point of enduring social inequalities. Institutions attempt to provide an equitable space by distributing learning opportunities equally to students from all different backgrounds, yet there are still advantages for specific “meritocratic” groups. Patricia Hill Collins’ “It's All In the Family: Intersections of Gender, Race, and Nation,” examines families in different forms of social…
There are many things that class, race, and gender oppression have in common with one another. Each one of them are all types of ways a person can identify themselves as. They all relate to each other because class, race, and gender oppression can be as powerful to shape the lives of people and even play such a big and important role as well. A person can also either be discriminated by one of the three or have so much privilege because of them. It is all part of social structure; all three of them work together and at the same time affect society. Someone will always…
Margaret L, Andersen and Patricia Hill Collins, in their article, (Why Race, Class, and Gender Still Matter, published in Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, addresses the topic of race, class and gender and argues that their relevance is due to the fact that they continue to structure society in ways that value some lives more than others. They supports this claim by using the matrix of domination in relation to gender, race and class, then advise the reader to look at an issue through a broad perspective- realizing both the oppressor and the oppressed, and finally distinguish between recognizing and understanding diversity and not just acknowledging it. Andersen and Collins’ purpose is to have students think about race, class and gender…
Are there existing social inequities based on race? Why or why not? Social inequality is described as societies where specific groups do not have equal social status based on ethnicity, race, and other characteristics. Since this question relates to race I will try to stay on the topic. There are existing social inequities based on race. Ethnicity relates to factors that include…
When I think about how individuals are grouped it brings up a lot of things about my own racial, ethnic, and cultural history. As an African American and a woman I have learn that we have been considered to be at the bottom of ladder for a long time. For as long as most African Americans can remember we have always had a problem with prejudice against us just because the color of our skin. I have learned that women make up half of the human race and that half is most African American. During the 1890-1940 was known as the Jim Crow Era, lots of African Americans were killed and brutalized. They were so afraid of European Americans rules and punishments that they lived in fear. African Americans were unable to vote, had separate water fountains, had to sit in the back of the bus, and couldn’t eat in certain places. We were basically thought of as second class citizens. As time has moved on woman are pulling forward, working and holding on to their morals and beliefs, but as immigrant began to migrate into the United States jobs are again becoming hard to find.…
g discrimination is really challenging. With this knowledge some people choose not to address discrimination when it happens, because is complicated to persuade people to join a cause when they have different beliefs. But is time to end discrimination in schools, to speak up and take action. Is time for everyone to stand together for a better future for the youth. The United States claim “ The American public education system is open and accessible to all, regardless of race and ethnicity, immigration or social economic status”(Rebecca L. case, fall 2002). But still the academic achievement gap between non- minority students and students of color still continue. Minority students are constantly faced with many obstacles on their way…
In today’s society gender roles cause some impact in people's lives, people will feel regretted for not fitting in the gender roles. Gender roles will always be a big topic, to lose or to keep them. Race also goes into how people are by into boxes. If you have lighter skin and hair you may be seen as more beautiful than a woman who is the same race but darker may be treated less fair than the lighter…
I feel your novel Unequal Childhoods shows us social organization in the United States and how stratification can affect our lifestyles. In turn, this process begins in early childhood and continues for the rest of our lives. People are sometimes oblivious to the damage that can be done from this, and your book highlights the many issues that may arise from our class system.…
According to the Cambridge dictionary, race is defined as “any group into which humans can be divided according to their shared physical or genetic characteristics.” It is important to know that society focuses on physical characteristics rather than the genetic makeup of these characteristics; for this reason, race exists indeed as a social construct. The impact of social construction of race can be felt in different ways including but not limited to housing, educational experiences and outcomes, employment, income, health and social relationships. It is important to note that education is also one of the many factors that are negatively affected by this construct. Apart from worrying about social relationships and inequalities, one also has to worry about the quality of education one is receiving based on the environment in which they live which is usually based on race and financial stability. In the article, Unequal Opportunity: Race and Education by Linda Darling-Hammond, she explained that “…educational outcomes for minority children are much more a function of their unequal access to key educational resources, including skilled teachers and quality curriculum, than they are a function of…
“Don’t separate us, we are all equal” minority feminists often hear that sentence from white feminists, but are we equal? Can we compare a black feminist who works two jobs to support her family, to a financially stable white feminist? Is feminism one size fits all? In a perfect world, it is. However, our world is far from perfect, and this is where the term intersectionality emerges.…
Education is considered to be an important sign in any success story that we heard of in the world. many people suffered a tough childhood and poor life in their youth and become successful later on their careers because of a good education. In this paper, I will be discussing how gender, race, and class can change the educational experience depending on people's race, class, and gender. I had three interviews with three individuals, the first one is Anthony a nineteen years old African American male, born and raised in California state. On the other side is Jennifer, a twenty-one-year-old Hispanic female, born and raised in Washington state. And finally Steven, Twenty-one years old Asian American homosexual. I did change the names in order to preserve privacy for them.…
Race and ethnicity, as real and unreal as they may be, often have definite implication and outcomes, race is a social construct that has meaning only because the society gives it meaning. Class structure in our capitalist society refers to the social ranking of individuals, families and other groups according to their economic status. And according to the Assistant Attorney General Ron Davis, some type of racial classification was necessary to comply with the federal record-keeping requirements and to facilitate programs for the prevention of genetic diseases. This type of discrimination and marginalization has serve as a hindrance to upward mobility for ethnic or minorities seeking to escape poverty. It also creates problems of residential segregation, and affects everything from family wealth, economic well-being, education, access to healthy food and…