What resonates with me is her description of her childhood when she was treated just like the other kids around her. Lambert’s determination to not just sit around and wait for something to happen is inspiring. I was pleased when Lambert said that she was going to try to finally make peace with her past. Lambert stated she had been asked to return to Germany several times but would never again step foot in Germany. Did Lambert stick to her resolve or did she finally go back to Germany? What school did Lambert attend while in England? Did Lambert ever complete her college education? Did Lambert coach other athletes and share her determination? For a future research paper, one might check to see if there have been other Olympic hopefuls that were used for political purposes only to have their dreams
What resonates with me is her description of her childhood when she was treated just like the other kids around her. Lambert’s determination to not just sit around and wait for something to happen is inspiring. I was pleased when Lambert said that she was going to try to finally make peace with her past. Lambert stated she had been asked to return to Germany several times but would never again step foot in Germany. Did Lambert stick to her resolve or did she finally go back to Germany? What school did Lambert attend while in England? Did Lambert ever complete her college education? Did Lambert coach other athletes and share her determination? For a future research paper, one might check to see if there have been other Olympic hopefuls that were used for political purposes only to have their dreams