Preparing for Your Interview
Review all of the information you have about the position.
If you are working with a headhunter or recruiter, ask all the questions you want before you arrive.
Learn all you can about potential employer.
Get a copy of the company's annual report and read it.
Visit the company's web-site on your PC or at your public library. This will be your most up to date view of the company.
Be prepared to discuss the company's competitive environment; if possible get copies of the competition's company materials as well.
Assess what the company's major challenges are and how you can help them
Contact anyone that may have an "insider's" view of the company to glean more about the company's personality
Read as much about the company's products as possible
Identify the qualifications that the company is seeking with this job hire
Understand the functions of the specific job.
Attempt to speak with someone who might have a similar position
Be prepared to show how your background has prepared you for these specific requirements
Prepare Illustrative stories to highlight your strengths
Tie these anecdotal stories to what is on your resume and how they apply to the job responsibility.
Be prepared to discuss your management style and personal style Other Other Other Other
Anticipate the questions you are likely to be asked (review the most common question checklist)
Wear clothing in which you feel comfortable and confident.
Ensure that you leave plenty of time to get to your appointment.
Check your appearance
Bring additional copies of resume
Pen & notepad (for post interview review)
Many questions seem like they might require simple yes or no answers. Avoid using a yes or no response. Explain your response.