1 Introduction: 2 1.1 Objectives: 3
2 Manager of Marketing and Customer Service in the partnership Uzdrowisko Iwonicz S.A.: 3 2.1 Ideal model of manager: 4 2.2 Key responsibilities of Marketing and Consumer Service Manager: 5 2.3 Typical working day: 5
3 Marketing and Customer Service organization structure: 6
4 Key factors affecting good team work: 7
5 Conclusion: 7
6 Bibliography: 8
Balon Sandra sab39@aber.ac.uk Assignment Brief:
‘Interview with a Manager’
Introduction to Management
According to the definition, manager is a person responsible for controlling or administering an organization or group of staff. He controls the professional and business activities, supervises and monitors people who directly report to him. (No data, Oxford’s on-line dictionary). There are many different types of management jobs. Even for jobs with similar titles, the duties may change significantly from one company to another. Depending on the size and kind of company, as well as typical work activities may alter. Average tasks and responsibilities involve dealing with staffing issues such as interviewing potential staff, as well as providing or organising training and development. Manager is responsible for maintaining staff by recruiting, selecting, and training employees. Also, maintaining a safe, secure, and legal work environment; developing personal growth opportunities, creating friendly atmosphere to makes the company comfortable for their team members.
I interviewed Krzysztof Guzik, Manager of Marketing and Customer Service. The company which I have choosen is Polish Uzdrowisko Iwonicz S.A.. In accordance with their official website it is first and one of the most popular SPA company in Poland. Iwonicz-Zdroj is the largest and oldest resort in Podkarpacie region, which attract attention patients from all over Europe. Medicinal qualities of mineral water occurring there, described Wojciech Oczko in
Bibliography: Oxford University Press. (no data). Oxford dictionary.[on-line] Available at: http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/manager. Last accessed 17th January 2013. Uzdrowisko Iwonicz S.A. (2011). Uzdrowisko Iwonicz S.A..[on-line] Available at: http://www.uzdrowisko-iwonicz.com.pl/. Last accessed 17th January 2013.